

课程:SPAN 1010


五年制复习学期: 2025年秋季
学期结束: 2026年秋季

目录描述: This course provides an introduction to the Spanish language and the 文化 of Spanish-说话 peoples. 它是为以前没有学习过西班牙语的学生设计的. 在课程中, students develop basic oral and listening communication skills by participating in activities that require them to use Spanish in a variety of situations. 作为发展这些技能的结果, 他们还获得了基本的西班牙语读写能力. 学生们学会就他们最熟悉的话题进行交流.g., 自我, 家庭, 首页, 学校, 日常及近期活动), 他们学会欣赏不同于自己的生活方式. This course is interactive with a focus on learner participation and basic conversation practice in Spanish.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 5; 讲座: 5; Lab: 0



的理由本课程是SPAN 1020的先决条件, which satisfies the foreign language requirement for the Associate of Arts degree at 雪的大学. 这也是中级和高级语言学习的先决条件. 向学生介绍这门语言, 文化, 和西班牙语民族的价值观, one of the largest linguistic groups in the world and a major contributor to Western thought and culture. 学习西班牙语, 特别是结合其他领域的研究, 比如艺术, 音乐, 哲学, 历史, 业务, 医学, 政治科学, 社会科学, 和技术, 能提供有价值和可就业的生活资源吗.

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human 文化 and the natural world. Students demonstrate fundamental knowledge of hispanophone 文化 through in-类的演讲 that include research on specific cultural topics or practices and a description/demonstration of an aspect of one or several of these 文化 (e.g.(烹饪、音乐、游戏、舞蹈、艺术、建筑).

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read and research effectively within disciplines. 学生通过视频接触西班牙语和西班牙语文化, 文本, 以及网络和音乐上的音频资源. They demonstrate their ability to read and interpret Spanish 文本s through structured online tasks, 还有书面作业,书面测验和考试, 然后评估它的意义和文化意义.

3: A student who completes the GE curriculum can draw from multiple disciplines to address complex problems. Students are introduced to perspectives different from their own and learn through 阅读s, 讨论, and their own research how people from other countries and regions of the world address problems in unique ways that meet their needs. These experiences allow students to draw on international perspectives when facing complex problems. 在课堂讨论中对学生进行评估, 关于家庭作业, 还有笔试和考试.

4: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason analytically, critically, and creatively. 学生在学习西班牙语的过程中培养批判性思维能力, where they must draw clues based on their own experience from the aural and visual input they receive. Students complete verbal and written assignments that demonstrate the ability to reason analytically and creatively evaluate the 文化, 事实, 以及西班牙人的价值观. 在课堂讨论中对学生进行评估, 关于家庭作业, 还有笔试和考试.

1: Integrated Explorations: Students must work with partners at least three times a week to complete brief conversation exercises in Spanish during class. Students have pair/group work and presentation(s) for the Spanish language and 文化 on a regular basis, 在课堂上, 学习有效的团队合作技巧. Students demonstrate this skill throughout their pair/group activities and presentations 在课堂上. Integrated Explorations: Students must work with partners at least three times a week to complete brief conversation exercises in Spanish during class. Students have pair/group work and presentation(s) for the Spanish language and 文化 on a regular basis, 在课堂上, 学习有效的团队合作技巧. Students demonstrate this skill throughout their pair/group activities and presentations 在课堂上.

解释性听力:学生将理解一些日常词汇, 短语, 关于他们自己的问题, 他们的个人经历, 以及它们周围的环境, 当人们说话缓慢而清晰或有重复时. Students will demonstrate interpretive listening skills as they respond to in-class practice exercises and interact with each other, 以及完成口头任务和考试.

解释性阅读:学生将理解一些熟悉的单词和字符, 短语, 简单句. Students will demonstrate interpretive 阅读 skills during in-class 阅读 exercises, 关于家庭作业, 在笔试中.

人际口语:学生将使用语言与帮助互动, 短语, 和熟记的表达. 他们将能够就非常熟悉的话题回答简单的问题. Students will demonstrate interpersonal 说话 skills by responding to in-class practice exercises and interaction, 完成口头任务和考试.

Presentational Spoken: Students will provide information about themselves and their immediate surroundings using words, 短语, 和熟记的表达. Students will demonstrate presentational 说话 skills during in-class practice exercises and interaction, 类的演讲, 口头作业和考试.

Presentation Written: Students will provide some basic information on familiar topics in lists, 短语, 和熟记的表达. Students will demonstrate presentational writing skills on written 首页work exercises as well as written quizzes and tests.

Cultural Opportunities: Students will seek opportunities to learn about and experience new 文化 outside of class. Students will report their extra-curricular efforts to experience new 文化 outside of class on the semester evaluations

Cultural Understanding: Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of cultural traditions, 海关, 以及一个或多个西班牙语国家的价值观. 他们将通过课堂演示来证明这一点.  学生将在课堂演讲中展示文化理解能力, 讨论, 在考试中.

Functions covered in Spanish 1010 include but are not limited to: Basic interactions like 问候, 提问和回答问题, 描述人和事, 表达偏好, 邀请, 接受, 拒绝, 购物, 指示方向, 请求的信息, 告诉时间, and recounting past events; interpretations of basic or simplified 文本s (e.g., 日历, 个人信息, 菜单, 文化信息, 诗/歌曲, 地图, 广告片评论, 指令, 日程安排, 网站, surveys); Basic expressions and vocabulary (e.g., 问候, 学校, 首页, 家庭, 财产, 数字, 天, 个月, 公共建筑, 食物, 天气, sports); regular and irregular verb forms in present and preterite; agreement (e.g., subject-verb, adjective-noun); cultural practices and products of Spain and Latin America (e.g., 食物, 音乐, 运输, 电影, 住房, media); cultural perspectives in Spain and Latin America; diversity in Spain and Latin America; regional identities; and daily life in Spain and Latin America. 本课程内容以互动讲座的形式进行, 多媒体演示, 搭档和小组作业, 讲师对概念进行建模. This course addresses diverse issues overtly during cultural lessons (see topics above) and indirectly via images presented to the class during everyday lessons that represent Spanish-说话 people from different ethnicities, 性别, 性取向, 能力, 等.



口试18% - 20%


课堂演讲18% - 25%

口语练习10 - 15%

Viajes: Introducción al español (current edition) by Hershberger, Navey-Davis, and Borrás. 由Heinle Cengage Learning出版.

This course integrates a variety of learning activities that are based in second-language (L2) acquisition research and communicative language pedagogy so that students receive multiple opportunities to practice listening, 说话, 阅读, 每天用第二语言写作. Instructors encourage all students to participate in a variety of ways and to discuss teaching practices and share study strategies that are more/less helpful for their learning. Instructors use teaching materials that show people from a variety of backgrounds (e.g.、种族、民族、性别、能力、阶级等.),他们使用第二语言进行人际交流和艺术表达.


最大班级人数: 24
最佳班级规模: 18