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Bachelor's Degrees




Department: Music
Program Contact: Barbara Dalene
(435) 283-7309

Department’s webpage: 
Department’s catalog page: 

Program Description & Outcomes:

In 2012 the Horne School of Music was awarded the first bachelor’s degree in the history of Snow College; a Bachelor of Music degree with emphasis in Commercial Music (BM). 完成这个学位的学生的主要目标是做好适当的准备 在音乐行业竞争工作. 除了通识教育课程, students in the BM degree program take a rigorous core of courses that prepare them to be professional musicians, along with coursework in business that prepares them to enter the music industry. 此外,通过梅里尔奥斯蒙德音乐创业 Center, students are given the opportunity for internship and other pre-professional 在校期间的经历.


Upon graduation, students of the BM degree will have met the following competencies:

  • Students will have foundational capabilities in classical performing mediums, including 能够独立工作,以尽可能高的水平准备演出 level. 
  • Students will have knowledge of a wide variety of solo and ensemble literature suitable 用于公共表演、课堂教学和私人工作室. 
  • Students will know and be able to demonstrate basic pedagogical techniques related to their instrument.
  • Students will demonstrate performance capabilities in various idioms, including the 具有表演、即兴创作、作曲、编曲和作曲的能力. Some students will be 能在二级仪器上加倍.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history and literature of classical, jazz, and American popular music, including the cultural sources and influences of these musical genres. 
  • Students will possess the skills necessary to begin work as a performer and composer/arranger 在各种爵士乐和商业工作室音乐习语. This includes the ability 使音乐具有适当的表现风格. 
  • Students will know how to use various music technologies, including music notation 软件和音乐编辑程序. 学生将接受录音和录音方面的培训 音乐产业的生产方面. 他们将能够使用音板, set up microphones, monitors, speakers, and other technology used in the production of music events or recordings. 

Admission Requirements:

学生必须申请进入这个项目. 音乐系招收学生 只能通过试镜进入这个节目. 这个项目的试镜过程有所不同 slightly depending on whether or not a student is new to Snow College (an incoming 新生或转学生)或两年制课程的继续学生. The 下面列出了不同的试镜程序. If there is additional material that you would like to submit in support of your application (especially in the areas 歌曲创作或音乐制作)请遵循以下说明.

  1. 所有学生必须先被网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行录取. 这可以通过填充来完成 在http://snow网上提出申请.edu/welcome/admissions/application.html
  2. All students must also apply for admission to the Bachelor of Music degree program. 这可以通过在www上填写一份在线申请来完成
  3. 所有学生必须用他们的主要乐器或声音进行试演. An audition would typically 包括演奏一段高二难度的独奏. The audition 也可能包括音阶演奏,练习曲或视读技能评估. You may audition by:
    1. Participating in annual scholarship auditions, which are typically held during the 2月中旬(查看网站www) for details), OR
    2. 与您所在地区的协调员预约面试:
      • Brass and Percussion areas – Dr. Christopher Nelson ( ude.wons@noslen.rehpotsirhc)
      • Jazz area – Prof. Steven Erickson (ude.wons@noskcire.nevets)
      • 音乐制作(见下注)-教授. Ben Harris (ude.wons@sirrah.neb)
      • Piano area – Dr. Michael Huff (ude.wons@ffuh.leahcim)
      • 歌曲创作/作曲(见下注)- Dr. Trent Hanna (ude.wons@annah.tnert)
      • String area – Dr. Brent Smith (ude.wons@htims.tnerb)
      • Vocal area – Prof. Brian Stucki (ude.wons@ikcuts.nairb)
      • Woodwind area – Dr. Madeline LeBaron Johnson (ude.wons@nosnhoj.eniledam)
    3. Video auditions for out of state/country students may be arranged by contacting the 你所在地区的协调员(见上文).

Note: If you are interested primarily in the concentration areas of Songwriting/Composition or Music Production please also include: a typewritten resume outlining your experience 在你感兴趣的领域和你的工作样本. 样本可能包括:录音 (audio or video), notation samples (traditional or lead sheet) in pdf format, links to online samples, etc. 将这些样品发送到上面列出的协调员的电子邮件.


所有学生必须用他们的主要乐器或声音进行试演. An audition would typically 由二年级水平的独奏组成. You may audition by: 

  1. 填写你的陪审团表格,并勾选你希望 use your jury as an audition. 如果可能的话,使用这个过程. OR,
  2. 与您所在地区的协调员预约面试:
    • Brass and Percussion areas – Dr. Christopher Nelson (ude.wons@noslen.rehpotsirhc)
    • Jazz area – Prof. Steven Erickson (ude.wons@noskcire.nevets)
    • 音乐制作(见下注)-教授. Ben Harris (ude.wons@sirrah.neb)
    • Piano area – Dr. Michael Huff (ude.wons@ffuh.leahcim)
    • 歌曲创作/作曲(见下注)- Dr. Trent Hanna (ude.wons@annah.tnert)
    • String area – Dr. Brent Smith (ude.wons@htims.tnerb)
    • Vocal area – Prof. Brian Stucki (ude.wons@ikcuts.nairb)
    • Woodwind area – Dr. Madeline LeBaron Johnson (ude.wons@nosnhoj.eniledam)

Note: If you are interested primarily in the concentration areas of Songwriting/Composition or Music Production please also include: a typewritten resume outlining your experience 在你感兴趣的领域和你的工作样本. 样本可能包括:录音 (audio or video), notation samples (traditional or lead sheet) in pdf format, links to online samples, etc. 将这些样品发送到上面列出的协调员的电子邮件.

Program Requirements:

音乐专业的学生可以选择理科副学士或文科副学士. 文科助理需要一门1020或以上的语言的4个学分.


  • American Institutions (AI) (3)*
  • 数学(ACT分班)(3)*
  • English 1010 (3)*
  • English 2010 (3)*
  • Fine Arts (FA) (3)
  • Foundations (FND) (3)
  • Humanities (HU) (3)
  • 经济学2010 -微观经济学原理(SS) (3)
  • Natural Science (7)
    • Physical Science (PS) (3)
    • Life Science (LS) (3)
    • 从LS, PS或科学实验室(LB)获得1学分(1)
  • BUS 1270策略销售(IE) (3)

*C- grade or higher required.

Music Core Requirements (62):

  • MUSC 1006/2006音乐会出席人数(0)(4个学期)
  • MUSC 1901表演艺术生涯探索(2)
  • MUSC 1110 Music Theory I (3)
  • MUSC 1120 Music Theory II (3)
  • MUSC 2110 Music Theory III (3)
  • MUSC 2120 Music Theory IV (3)
  • MUSC 1130 Sight Singing & Ear Training I (1)
  • MUSC 1140 Sight Singing & Ear Training II (1)
  • MUSC 2130 Sight Singing & Ear Training III (1)
  • MUSC 2140 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV (1)
  • MUSC 2150 Class Piano III (1)
    (Students must demonstrate competence to be placed into Class Piano III or will need 选修钢琴一级及/或钢琴二级课程.)
  • MUSC 2160 *Class Piano IV (1)
  • MUSC 2350开始指挥(2)
  • MUSC 3540 Form & Analysis (3)
  • MUSC 3030 Jazz & Popular Music I (3)
  • MUSC 3630 Music History & Literature I (3)
  • MUSC 3640 Music History & Literature II (3)
  • 世界音乐研究(3)
  • MUSC XXXX私教(8)
  • MUSC XXXX Ensembles (8)
  • MUSC 4110当代键盘和声(3)
  • MUSC 3560 Songwriting I (2)
  • 商业音乐合奏(1)
  • MUSC 4901 Senior Capstone (1)
  • MUSC 4905 Senior Recital (1)

Associated Courses (32):


  • 小型企业快速入门手册(3)
  • BUS 1270战略销售(3)-也满足IE GE
  • BUS 2050 Business Law (3)
  • 企业家管理原则(3)
  • 经济学2010微观经济学原理(3)-也满足SS GE
  • MUSC 3750音乐产业调查(3)
  • MUSC 3350音频基础I (2)
  • MUSC 3351音频基础I Lab (1)
  • MUSC 3352音频基础II (2)
  • MUSC 3353音频基础II实验室


  • MUSC 3040音乐家的音乐剧(2)[VP, IP]
  • 当代声乐风格(2)[VP]
  • MUSC 3306爵士即兴演奏I (2) [IP, VP]
  • MUSC 3307爵士即兴演奏II (2) [IP, VP]
  • 音乐3570歌曲创作II (2) [SWC]
  • 音乐后期制作(2)[P]
  • MUSC 3920歌剧工作坊(1)[VP, IP]
  • MUSC 4130商业安排(3)[SWC]
  • 当代管弦乐(2)[SWC]
  • MUSC 4150商业乐曲(2)[SWC]
  • MUSC 4350高级指挥(2)[IP, VP, E](教师执照所需)
  • MUSC 4363电影配乐(2)[SWC]
  • MUSC 4450音频制作I (2) [P]
  • MUSC 4700音频制作II (2) [P]
  • MUSC 4750电子音乐(2)[SWC, P]
  • MUSC 4840现场扩声(3)[P, E]
  • Chamber Ensembles (2) [IP, VP]

Abbreviations in brackets mean:

  • 声乐表演咨询轨道
  • 仪器性能咨询轨道
  • 歌曲创作/作曲指导轨道
  • P= Production Advisement Track
  • E= Music Education Pathway

Required Credits: 122



Related Programs:




Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Program Contact: Garth Sorenson
Phone: (435) 283-7531

Department’s webpage: 
Department’s catalog page: 

Program Description & Outcomes:  

The 软件工程学士学位 degree prepares software engineers:  collaborative professionals working on a team to develop software products on time, 在预算范围内,满足客户要求.  Graduates of this program will possess the practical knowledge and skill of a defined engineering approach for complex 系统分析,规划,设计和施工. 本课程以电脑为基础 science fundamentals and mathematical principles to cover the design, analysis, verification, 软件系统的验证、实现、部署和维护.


  • Entrepreneurship: The combination of computational and entrepreneurial thinking to identify, assess and implement ideas that will create new markets and technologies.
  • 数字媒体设计:利用综合媒体来传达信息 电子媒介,如互联网、电影、电视和移动技术.
  • Web Development: The use of tools including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create and 维护高质量、互动性的网站.
  • Data Science: 

The Snow College Software Engineering program provides students with an educational experience that builds upon traditional computer science and engineering principles and produces software engineers that create high-quality software in a systematic, 有节制,办事效率高. 这是通过以下方式实现的:

  • The degree has a strong emphasis on mathematics and engineering methods in software design.
  • 课程强调软件过程和生命周期,并利用团队 approach to building software with active learning (“learning by doing”) which also provides leadership opportunities, such as software development team lead roles, for every student.
  • Courses include significant learning in management areas such as project planning, resource allocation, quality assurance, testing, metrics, maintenance and troubleshooting, 配置管理和人员管理.
  • Courses incorporate student teams to work on activities specifically designed to guide students to collaboratively construct their own understanding of key concepts, and, at the same time develop key process skills such as communication, teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving.

The software engineering curriculum culminates in a year-long capstone sequence where the students work in teams to build a software system reflective of current practices in the industry. 此外,学校鼓励学生参加实习 prior to and during enrollment in these capstone courses in order to gain direct industry 在开始自己的项目之前积累经验和洞察力. Snow College partners 与企业发展这些学习机会,将为学生提供 具有行业相关经验.

Admission Requirements:


Any student admitted to Snow College can begin the Software Engineering program and 被归类为pre-major状态.  学生必须申请被录取为一个软件 Engineering full-major.  必须是全专业学生才能进入高年级 Software Engineering courses.  软件工程全专业申请 can be submitted anytime.  候选人将只被考虑为全专业状态 完成专业预科课程后.  选拔全专业学生 status will be determined by the review committee and will take place after January 31st each year.  学生将在3月15日之前收到他们的状态通知.  Selection 将根据以下标准:

  • 完成学业的能力证明;
  • 具备成为一名成功的软件工程师的潜力;
  • 适当的教育和职业目标证明;
  • 具有团队合作能力和领导潜力.



  1. Get admitted to Snow College (
  2. 申报你的专业是软件工程.
  3. 顺利完成专业预科课程:                           
    • CS 1410/1415
    • CS 2420
    • CS 2700
    • CS 2860
    • MATH 1210
  4. Apply for full-major status.


(The remaining GE credits are satisfied in the Required Courses and Elective Courses.)

  • American Institutions (AI) (3)*
  • Expository Writing (E1) (3)*
  • Intermediate Writing (E2) (3)*
  • Fine Arts (FA) (3)
  • Foundations (FND) (3)
  • Humanities (HU) (3)


Required Courses (81 credits):

  • cs1410面向对象程序设计(3)
  • cs1415面向对象程序设计实验室(1)
  • cs1430用户体验设计(1)
  • cs1810 Web开发概论(3)
  • cs2420数据结构与算法(3)
  • cs2450软件工程概论(3)
  • CS 2700 Digital Circuits (3)
  • cs2810计算机组织与体系结构(3)
  • cs2860操作系统理论(3)
  • MATH 1210 Calculus I (5)
  • MATH 2270 Linear Algebra (3)
  • 数学3040科学家和工程师统计学(3)
  • 离散数学(3)
  • COMM 2110人际传播学助理(3)
  • ENGL 3260 Technical Writing (3)
  • SE 3140道德与个人软件流程(3)
  • SE 3250 Survey of Languages (3)
  • SE 3520 Database Theory (3)
  • SE 3630移动应用开发(3)
  • SE 3820后端Web开发(3)
  • SE 3830云应用开发(3)
  • SE 4230 Advanced Algorithms (3)
  • SE 4270软件维护实践(3)
  • SE 4340安全编码实务(3)
  • 软件工程实习课程I (4)
  • 软件工程实习II (4)
  • 分布式Internet应用程序开发(3)


  • 物理科学选修课(3-19学分)*
    Choose from the following:
    • 化学原理I/Lab (4/1)
    • CHEM 1220/1225化学原理II/Lab (4/1)
    • GEO 1110/1115物理地质/实验室(3/1)
    • GEO 1220/1225历史地质学/实验室(3/1)
    • Physics for Scientists and Engineers I/Lab (4/1)
    • PHYS 2220/2225 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II/Lab (4/1)
    • PHYS 2710 Modern Physics (3)
  • 生命科学选修课(3-19学分)*
    Choose from the following:
    • 生物学I/Lab (3/1)
    • BIOL 1620/1625生物学II/实验室(3/1)
    • BIOL 2030/2035遗传学入门/实验室(3/1)
    • BIOL 2060/2065微生物学入门/实验室(3/1)
    • BIOL 2200/2205普通微生物学/实验室(3/2)
    • 人体解剖学/实验室(3/1)
    • BIOL 2420/2425人体生理学/实验室(3/1)

  • Math Electives (0-11 credits)
    Choose from the following:
    • MATH 1220 Calculus II (4)
    • MATH 2210 Calculus III (3)
    • 应用线性回归(3)^
    • MATH 3280 Data Mining (3)^
    • 机器学习理论与应用(3)^

* Three PS GE credits may be used toward Physical Science Electives or three LS GE credits 可以用于生命科学选修课,但不能两者都用. A minimum of eight credits 必须来自物理科学选修课和生命科学选修课的组合

^ If emphasis is Data Science, only three of these credits may be used as Math Elective credits.

Pick One Emphasis (7-9):


  • BUS 1600创业讲座(1)
  • BUS 2222 Entrepreneurship (3)
  • 企业家管理原则(3)


  • ART 1120 2D Surface (3)
  • ART 1140 4D Time (3)
  • ART 2400平面设计入门(3)



  • SE 3840网络遥测,操作和报告(3)
  • SE 4850高级前端开发(4)


  • 应用线性回归(3)
  • MATH 3280 Data Mining (3)
  • 机器学习理论与应用(3)

*这种MATH类的组合满足 three of the Math Elective Credits.

Required Credits: 124-125

  • 总学分:125
  • 总学分:124
  • 总学分:125
  • 总学分:124


  • To graduate, students must pass all courses for the Core, Elective, and Emphasis areas with a C- grade or higher. 

Related Programs: