

课程:GEOG 1300


学期批准: 2019年秋季
五年制复习学期: 2024年秋季
学期结束: 2025年夏季

目录描述这门课程是对世界主要地理区域的研究, emphasizing the interrelationships between people and the natural environment. The course focuses on the following topics in a region-by-region tour of the world: physical landscape features, 人口与定居, 文化多样性和一致性, 地缘政治, 以及经济/社会发展. 特别注意当前的全球性问题, 自然灾害, 以及全球化的影响.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 3; 讲座: 3; Lab: 0



的理由:今天, 我们生活在一个相互联系的旅行世界, trade, tourism and high-speed communication that reaches into the most remote corner of the globe. A knowledge of this world beyond our borders is a crucial asset in an age of growing interregional and international relationships. 地理学家使用空间视角来研究这些关系. 在本课程中, 学生不仅学习地理领域和地区的位置, but why they are located where they are and how they connect to the rest of the world. There is a strong interdisciplinary relationship between geography and many of the social and natural sciences. Those students taking this class to fulfill a general-education requirement will gain an enhanced understanding of geography's role across the curriculum, be well prepared to take upper-level courses in geography and related social and natural sciences, 并且更加关注我们称之为家的世界上的地方和问题.

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum will have a fundamental knowledge of human 文化s and the natural world, 特别强调美国的制度, 社会科学和行为科学, 物理和生命科学, 人文学科, 美术和个人健康.  这一结果将通过集中阅读教科书来实现, 课堂讲座, 时事讨论, 以及在线阅读作业. 这一结果将通过综合考试进行评估, 讨论板活动, 地图测验, 并构建了与当前全球事件相关的论文作业.

2: 完成GE课程的学生可以阅读, 检索, 评估, 解释, 并使用各种传统和电子媒体传递信息. 这一结果将通过集中阅读教科书来实现, 课堂讲座(交付并发布到Canvas), 课堂和在线时事讨论, 以及在线阅读作业. 这一结果将主要通过讨论板活动来评估, 地图测验, 并构建了与当前全球事件相关的论文作业.

6: 完成GE课程的学生可以进行分析性的推理, 批判性的, 创造性地描述自然, 文化, facts, values, ethics, 公民政策. 这一结果将通过集中阅读教科书来实现, 课堂讲座, 时事讨论, 以及在线阅读作业. 这一结果将通过综合考试进行评估, 讨论板活动, 并构建了与当前全球事件相关的论文作业.

7: A student who completes the GE curriculum can either (a) solve a problem using information and methodologies from more than one discipline; or (b) identify the College’s general education outcomes and explain ways in which they have achieved those outcomes.  这一结果将通过集中阅读教科书来实现, 课堂讲座, 时事讨论, 以及在线阅读作业 that address the multiple intersections between geography and the natural/social sciences. 这一结果将通过综合考试进行评估, 讨论板活动, 地图测验, 以及写作作业.

1: 这一成果将通过讲座来实现, 阅读, and discussions of regional 文化 histories across the world in terms of 人口与定居, 文化变革, 以及经济/社会发展. 这一结果将通过考试来评估, 讨论板的帖子, 以及建构式回应文章. 这一成果将通过讲座来实现, 阅读, and discussions of regional 文化 histories across the world in terms of 人口与定居, 文化变革, 以及经济/社会发展. 这一结果将通过考试来评估, 讨论板的帖子, 以及建构式回应文章.

2: Develop and communicate hypothetical explanations for individual human behavior within the large-scale historical or social context. 这一成果将通过讲座来实现, 阅读, and discussions related to the regional population behavior through the lens of land use and changing settlement patterns over time. This outcome will be assessed primarily through discussion forums and essay questions on examinations.

3: Draw on 社会科学和行为科学 to 评估 contemporary problems using social science research methodology. This outcome will be primarily achieved through the discussion of current global events and will be assessed in constructed-response essay assignments.

4: 描述和分析比较社会, 政治, 经济, 文化, 地理, 以及不同于自己的历史背景和进程. 这一成果将通过讲座来实现, 阅读, and discussions of regional 文化 histories across the world in terms of 人口与定居, 文化变革, 以及经济/社会发展 as they relate to varied natural environments. 这一结果将通过考试来评估, maq测验, 讨论板的帖子, 以及建构式回应文章.

5: Explain and use the social-scientific method to test research questions and draw conclusions. This outcome will be primarily achieved through the discussion and analysis of current global events and will be assessed in constructed-response essay assignments and 讨论板的帖子 and activities.

6: 在社会科学学科中有效写作, 使用正确的纪律指引, 分析, 解释, 交流社会科学现象. This outcome will be achieved through the analysis of current global events and will be assessed through the construction of short analytical research papers and selected discussion-board assignments.

Complete the class with an enhanced spatial perspective of the world in which they live. 学生将通过考试来证明这一点, 讨论板活动, essay assignments.

Locate all the world's significant regions and most of the world's countries and major cities. Students will demonstrate this through 地图测验 and through questions on examinations.

识别地球的许多具体物理特征, 以及与它们形成和存在相关的过程. Students will demonstrate this through 地图测验 and through questions on examinations.

Express familiarity with current global affairs that occur during the general timeframe of the course. Students will demonstrate this through 讨论板活动 and current-events essay assignments.

Understand the interconnectedness of the global economy and how dependent the United States is upon trade with other countries. 学生将通过考试来证明这一点, 讨论板活动, 以及时事论文作业.

Evaluate the many differences between those who live in the "developed" world and those who live in the less-developed areas of the world. 学生将通过考试来证明这一点, 讨论板活动, 以及时事论文作业.

Appreciate their own circumstances and determine ways that they can help less fortunate citizens locally, 区域, 在全国范围内, 在国际上通过意识和行动. Students will demonstrate this through 讨论板活动 以及时事论文作业.

This course provides an introductory-level examination of the dynamics of human/environmental interactions across different regional scale levels on Earth. 本课程的第一部分介绍世界区域地理的基础知识, examining how geographers describe spatial aspects of human settlement history, 文化, 地缘政治, 经济社会发展, 从全球的角度来看自然环境. Then, 该课程通过不同地区的旅行来研究世界, 而是相互关联的领域, 包括但不限于北美, 拉丁美洲, 撒哈拉以南非洲, Europe, 俄罗斯领土, 东亚, 南亚, 和澳大利亚/大洋洲. The course applies the basic knowledge and terminology from the first part of the course in explaining the similarities and differences between each of these important world regions. 另外, the course explores how groups from different world regions have interacted at a global scale over time.



时事论文作业20% - 30%

讨论板活动10 - 25%

Rowntree等人.,《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》,最新版. 皮尔森.

Rowntree等人.《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》,最新版. 皮尔森.

Nijman等人.,地理:领域,区域和概念,当前版本. Wiley.

Pulsipher and Johansson, World Regional Geography: Global Patterns, Local Lives, current edition. 弗里曼.

本课程采用的主要教学方法包括讲座, 指导教科书和在线阅读, 课堂和在线讨论论坛和小组, individual research activities geared towards an understanding of current global events and the production of analytical essays related to these events, 以及在课堂上播放和在网上发布的及时和相关的电影剪辑.





最大班级人数: 40
最佳班级规模: 30