

课程:SOC 1010


五年制复习学期: 2027年秋季
学期结束: 2028年秋季

目录描述: SOC 1010 introduces students to the discipline of sociology and its unifying objective of linking broad 文化 and institutional social forces to personal experiences and human behavior. 运用社会学理论和研究方法, 考试将考虑到不同的社会学观点和主题,如文化, 家庭, 性别, 种族, 犯罪, 等. 可获得通识教育学分和可变学分. 满足社会科学通识教育的要求, the class must be taken for 3 credits; however 1-2 variable elective credits are offered for exigent circumstances.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 1-3; 讲座: 1-3; Lab: 0

先决条件: N/A

并修课程: N/A

的理由: This course is designed as an introduction to the discipline of sociology with its macro and micro study of societal and 文化 social patterns, 冲突, 结构, 人与人之间的互动. 每个USHE机构都提供社会学入门课程. SOC 1010 satisfies the Social Science (SS) requirement for General Education at 雪的大学 and is a major requirement for sociology majors. 可转换为通识教育学分、选修学分或专业学分.

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human 文化s and the natural world. 社会学强调对多元文化规范的研究, 值, 信仰, 以及社会中的传统. 学生可以阅读课堂材料并讨论这些概念, applying social/文化 knowledge and awareness to sociological subjects and linking them to personal life experiences. 在写作项目中,学生将被要求表达这种理解和知识, 小测验, 和/或考试.

2: 完成GE课程的学生可以有效地阅读和研究学科. Class topics and sociological subjects will be based on textbook readings and other source materials that are assigned to develop reading comprehension and research skills. 类测试, 考试, and essay work will provide students the chance to demonstrate their understanding of sociological topics and ability to research relevant content.

3: 完成通用电气课程的学生可以从多个学科中汲取知识来解决复杂的问题. 社会学, with its emphasis on human groups and social organization allows students to use multiple disciplines 分析 and address social issues 和问题. 借鉴政治学、经济学、历史学、心理学、人类发展等.本课程的学生将在测验、考试和书面作业中解决相关的社会问题.

4: 完成GE课程的学生可以进行分析性、批判性和创造性的推理. 社会学 asks students to think critically about their place in 文化 and the social world around them. 它促进对客观信息来源和合乎伦理的科学方法的评估. 课堂讨论 and relevant readings will provide the basis for exercises in sociological thinking and 分析 and will be evaluated in 课堂讨论, 论文项目, 测验和/或考试.

1: 学生将了解影响社会结构的潜在因素.e.文化、经济、政治等.) and the 文化ly significant institutions and processes that change over time and influence social behavior. 通过课堂讨论, 写项目, 测验和/或考试, 学生将能够交流他们对这些社会学概念的理解.  学生将了解影响社会结构的潜在因素.e.文化、经济、政治等.) and the 文化ly significant institutions and processes that change over time and influence social behavior. 通过课堂讨论, 写项目, 测验和/或考试, 学生将能够交流他们对这些社会学概念的理解.

2: Develop and communicate hypothetical explanations for individual human behavior within the large-scale historical or social context. Sociological theories and concepts will allow students to recognize the diverse influences and 文化 perspectives that shape human thought and behavior. 写项目, 小测验, 和/或考试 will provide opportunities to demonstrate knowledge and explanations for patterned behavior and evaluate the nature vs nurture debate (i.e.(文化影响与生物和社会生物学对个性和行为的影响).

3: Draw on the social and behavioral sciences to evaluate contemporary problems using social science research methodology. Students will be exposed to sociological methods and theories and will use both micro and macro levels of 分析 分析 and 解释 current social issues, 争议, 和问题. 通过课堂讨论, 测验和/或考试将展示学生批判性思考本地问题的能力, 国家, 以及全球挑战.

4: 描述和分析比较社会, 政治, 经济, 文化, 地理, 以及不同于自己的历史背景和进程. Students will be exposed in readings and 课堂讨论 to a variety of current and historical social settings and processes that will challenge their assumptions and experiences regarding social issues. A major goal of sociology is to identify and increase awareness of wider social forces outside the individual and link those to personal experiences. 这些链接和社会状况的仔细分析将显示在学生的写作项目上, 测验和/或考试.

5: 解释并运用社会科学方法检验研究问题并得出结论. Students will explore sociological theories and methodologies comparing and analyzing social institutions and patterned behavior. 教科书研究和额外的阅读将允许对替代理论观点的检查, 案例研究, 和意见. 课堂讨论, 测验和/或考试, will provide students an opportunity to display their ability to synthesize sociological findings into clear and well-reasoned arguments and empirical conclusions.

6: 在社会科学学科中有效写作, 使用正确的纪律指引, 分析, 解释, 交流社会科学现象. Students will be able to understand sociological perspectives and principles and communicate their opinions, 分析, 以及对这些主题的研究. 在测验和/或考试中评估的论文项目和书面工作将证明这种能力.

Students will gain an understanding and knowledge of the major sociological perspectives and theories that help us understand how social forces affect individuals on a daily basis.  Understanding and knowledge of the major sociological perspectives and theories will be assessed through 课堂讨论s, 小测验, 考试, 还有专题/论文作业.

Students will gain an understanding and knowledge of the research methods used by sociologists and other social and behavioral scientists to discover, 描述, 解释, 和/或预测人类行为和社会系统.  Understanding and knowledge of sociological/social science research methods will be assessed through class 小测验, 考试, 还有专题/论文作业.

Students will develop their “sociological imagination” (the ability to see and understand the relationship between personal life events and events in society) and articulate this in written class work.  Development and understanding of the "Sociological Imagination" will be assessed through written work on 小测验, 考试, 还有专题/论文作业.

SOC 1010是一门提供社会学入门的课程, 社会科学的一门基本学科. 通过讲座, 课堂讨论, 写作业或项目, 测验和考试, students will examine diverse social subjects and social issues using sociological theories and perspectives. 课程主题将包括社会理论和方法论, 文化, 社会化, 社会和社会结构, 团体和组织, 异常, 分层, 种族和民族, 性别, 家庭, 宗教, 教育, 政治与经济, 健康与老龄化, 人口, 社会变革.


考试30% - 50%

测验15 - 25%

论文/专题占20% - 30%


文本将根据教师的偏好而有所不同. 一个教科书式的例子是OpenStax的“社会学”,这是一个免费的在线资源.

额外阅读材料和主要资料将根据教师的喜好而有所不同. 一个例子是乔治C. Homans.

SOC 1010 will be taught using discussion based lectures with assignments aimed toward developing student understanding and 分析 of the diversities and complexities of the 文化 and social world, 过去和现在. 作业将帮助学生用社会科学家的观点和方法进行批判性思考, 让他们对自己和他人有一个知情的认识. Diverse backgrounds and perspectives of students are welcome and an inclusive environment for all students will be encouraged and embraced.





最大班级人数: 100
最佳班级规模: 40