

回力球规则 & 政策



All individuals who use the facilities/activity areas within the 雪的大学 Horne 活动中心 are expected to follow the established rules and regulations. 的 合作 of all parties using the 霍恩活动中心 will assist in keeping 整洁有序. 个人滥用设施或不遵守规定 and regulations will be immediately removed from the facility and have their privileges 撤销并没收所有已付费用.

  • In compliance with the Utah clean air act smoking and smokeless tobacco is prohibited  建筑物内或周围.
  • 霍恩活动中心是付费使用的设施. 所有的顾客都应该在 the front desk and purchase a pass or daily admission fee or show student id for current 学期. Wristbands will be issued to those who have passes or pay admission fee. 的 wristband gives you access to use the center and must be worn at all times. 入学 是退还的.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in the fitness center, blue gym or main gym, racquetball, pool area, and locker rooms with the exception of capped, spill proof, non glass water 瓶.

Another exception would be for athletic events when Sacco is selling concessions or 餐饮活动.

  • Possession of illegal drugs, beer, and alcoholic beverages is prohibited on the Snow 学院物业,包括霍恩活动中心.
  • Verbal or physical confrontation with staff or other patrons, swearing, grunting, loud noise, abusive language, and inappropriate behavior is unacceptable and you can 被要求离开.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, longboards, or roller skates and pets are not allowed in the 活动中心. (只可为陪同视障或听障人士的动物提供指引/援助 个人可进入活动中心.)
  • 请勿携带贵重物品进入活动中心. 雪学院/霍恩活动 中心不对个人财产丢失或被盗负责. 顾客们 负责个人物品丢失、被盗、损坏..
  • 储物柜仅供日间使用. 顾客须自备锁.  储物柜 can be rented for 学期 and yearly rates for those who want to leave there 活动中心衣物. 那些选择不租储物柜的人离开那里 这里的私人物品可能被清空了.  
  • Persons with infectious diseases are prohibited from using the facility. 所有打开的 伤口必须盖好.
  • 所有十岁以下的儿童(10)必须由一名成人陪同(18岁或以上)在设施的所有区域.
  • Patrons and visitors shall abide by the rules of the 霍恩活动中心. 那些 people found in violation of these rules may have 活动中心 privileges suspended 或撤销.
  • Patrons checking out equipment from issue room will 被要求离开 collateral for 项目.  (This also applies to 雪的大学 Students in Physical Education classes.) 抵押品 that is accepted is Driver’s License, student id’s or other photo identification. 任何人 16岁以下 is able to leave a shoe or jacket or something you 知道 they will come back for  (nothing 的值).



When checking out equipment from Issue Room you will 被要求离开 collateral 对于项目. (这也适用于上体育课的雪学生). 抵押品 驾照或学生证是可以接受的. 任何不满16岁的人都可以离开 其他物品的抵押品,如鞋,帽子. (钥匙、钱包、背包不能留作抵押.)



1. All Patrons using either Gym (Main Gym or Lifetime Sports Gym) must check in at 发稿室. Before using any portion of the facility including the gym, each person 一定要戴上腕带吗.

2. 禁止悬挂在篮球篮筐上.

3. 只穿不在健身房地板上的鞋子.

4. 只允许带盖子的防溢水瓶.

(NO gum, food, or other drinks are allowed except during athletic events & 其他活动 当小卖部开放时,在空调里.)

5. Swearing, offensive language, or behavior, roughhousing, and fighting will not 被容忍.

6. No spitting on the floor or AC equipment; if you need to spit use a garbage can.

7. 篮球可以在发刊室借出. 结帐时需要带照片的身份证 成人/学生. 孩子们必须留下一些有价值的东西作为抵押品.

8. People found in violation of these rules may have their gym privileges suspended 或撤销.

9. 顾客们 responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged 使用交流设施时. 雪的大学 & 雪学院AC不负责 遗失、被盗或损坏的物品.



1. 禁止在甲板上奔跑

2. 浅水区不许跳水 

3. 不许在泳池里放口香糖

4. 深水区无漂浮装置(班级除外)

5. 没有肩膀(斗鸡)

6. No inflatable tubes unless being used by an infant with direct parental supervision &

7. 每个人都必须佩戴腕带(除非是班级或团队成员)。

8. 不要从泳池的一侧翻转(跳水板是可以的)

9. 请勿故意泼溅救生员(警告一次)

10. 如果你太粗暴,你会被要求停止

11. You must be able to swim the width of the pool unassisted to be in the deep end

12. No swimming under the diving boards or in the way of those using the boards

13. 救生衣必须始终正确穿着

14. 孩子没有接受过如厕训练 must wear three layers of protection in order to swim

15. 任何时候都必须服从救生员的指示


1. 不能挂在板子上

2. 你必须跳下去或走开

3. No handstands, cartwheels, sitting, or hitting your bottom on the board

4. 一次只能有一个人在板子上,包括梯子

5. 你必须直接从棋盘的一端跳下去,而不是从边上跳下去

6. 跳下跳板后,你必须游到离你最近的一侧

7. 你不可能接住从跳板上跳下来的人

8. 跳水板只允许弹跳一次

9. 不得带着护目镜或面罩跳下跳板

10. You must wait for the person before you to get back to the side before you jump

11. 请勿故意泼溅救生员(警告一次) 


雪的大学 活动中心 Swimming Pool requires 3 layers for children not potty-trained. To minimize the time we have to close the pool due to exposure to fecal matter, it is required to dress all children that are not potty-trained with three layers of 防护(游泳纸尿裤、游泳纸尿裤套、泳衣). 州法律要求这三点 为了每个人的安全. 可重复使用的游泳尿布盖可以购买 $4.00美元,游泳尿布可以花1美元购买.在发证室. 谢谢你的 合作.



霍恩活动中心有3个壁球场. 这些法院也可以设立 去打壁球吧. 球拍, racquetballs, and goggles as well as wally ball equipment are available 在问题室.

 •任何年龄在 13 必须有成人监督.


To operate in a fun, fair, and safe environment, our 壁球球场 are open on 预订基础. 如果法院在抵达时开放,只需向工作人员预订即可 在发刊处. 你可以在整点的时候预定一个场地,用一个小时. If your hour is up and you want to play longer come out and check to see if someone 预订了吗?. 如果没有预订,你可以再预订一个小时. 的最大 连续预订的数量是两个. 顾客可以预定最多24人的场地 提前几个小时留下姓名和最佳联系电话. 所有预订 十分钟后作废. 我们的工作人员在公告板上跟踪预订情况 在问题室.


眼镜Patrons are strongly encouraged to wear protective eyewear when playing racquetball. Eye protection is available for checkout 在问题室, and is required for anyone 谁借了霍恩活动中心的球拍. 被检查的物品必须留下抵押品 未发行房间.

球拍 - Patrons are able to check out racquetball racquets from the issue room. 任何时候 物品从出借室借出时,必须留下抵押品. 

鞋子 - In helping to preserve the courts, all participants are asked to wear non-marking 运动鞋. 跑鞋、运动凉鞋、水上鞋、登山鞋、牛仔鞋 boots, or any other shoe not designed for exercise use, are inappropriate for the 壁球球场. 

 - Is restricted from 壁球球场 both for your safety and to protect the wood 地板.

 For any items checked out of from the 霍恩活动中心 issue room collateral 必须是左. 抵押品 可以是驾照或学生证吗. 孩子戴上帽子或鞋子是可以接受的.



1. All Patrons using the facility must check in at 发稿室 and must wear a 手腕带在任何时候. 

2. 顾客必须年满16岁才能使用健身中心. 

3. 只允许带盖子的防溅水瓶. (不允许携带口香糖、食物或其他饮料.) 

4. 不允许猛摔或掉落重物. 

5. Offensive or hostile language and/or swearing is not allowed anywhere in the Horne 活动中心.

6. 不把健身中心的哑铃和杠铃拿掉. 不要减肥.  

7. 请 not spit on or around any equipment in the facility, use a garbage can. 

8. 所有设备都是先到先得.

9.在高峰时段,使用有氧运动器材的时间限制为30分钟. 请 不要在繁忙时间做多组举重训练. 

10. 请不要在机器上遮挡或休息. 

11. Workout clothes including 运动鞋 and shirt must be worn at all times. (不允许穿露趾鞋或凉鞋.)只允许在上课时间穿牛仔裤; 其他时间必须穿运动服. 

12.If there is a problem with one of the machines please let 发稿室 worker 知道.