
Social Media

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College affiliated social media accounts are some of the most publicly visible marketing 我们拥有的工具. 无论是一个俱乐部,一个项目,还是整个大学,形象 社交媒体平台上使用的词汇反映了这一制度. As such, it is important that every social media account use correct grammar and spelling, 有品位的照片,并保持专业的语气.


  • 帮助你的部门/团队制定社交媒体策略
  • 发布有广泛吸引力的大型活动. 这包括面向服务的 events, nationally or regionally affiliated events, outside groups coming to campus, 或者是促进部门发展的活动
  • Training on the basic how-to’s of social media, from a simple post to streaming live


  • Please do not open a new social media account without first consulting with the Social 媒体专家.
  • 我们在雪学院的账户上收到了很多关于活动发布的请求. 如果目标 audience of your event is current Snow College students, the MySnow portal is the 最佳广告投放地点.
  • If you have exciting things happening in your classroom, feel free to send photos 给社交媒体专员. 虽然我们无法利用所有的照片或视频 发送,我们将尽我们所能为部门亮点. 更好的是,如果你有 lecture or demonstration coming up that will demonstrate hands-on learning or student 订婚,让我们的摄影师知道. 可能的话,我们办公室会派人来 为了营销目的拍几张照片.

请联系创意服务部的泰勒·史密斯 & 沟通关于 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行社交媒体435.283.7016 or ude.wons@7htims.relyt


Social media tools, uses and challenges evolve constantly, and the college continuously 监督我们使用这些媒体渠道的策略和最佳做法. 以下 guidelines for those initiating social media feeds that involves the college, its 部门、项目、团体、组织和个人. 这也是一个参考 for those managing existing feeds, so that the college's efforts in social media communications 尽可能保持一致.

Official Snow College Social Media Sites shall reside under the jurisdiction of the 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行美国注册服务标志. 4579457年 由雪学院正式使用并提供福利.

Snow College is committed to fostering an educational environment that allows for freedoms of speech and expression in accordance with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 然而,学院不会容忍任何活动或张贴 Official College Social Media Site that loses First Amendment protection such as any unlawful, defamatory, or obscene (as defined by Utah and federal law) activity or posting. 学院保留删除任何张贴的权利,恕不另行通知. The College also reserves the right to refer social media activity to the applicable 社交媒体平台和/或适当的当局采取适当的行动.

These guidelines apply to faculty and staff, including student employees, who engage in internet conversations for work-related purposes or who are asked by supervisors to use or participate on social media as part of his or her job responsibilities.

  • Employee Use – When using social media as a part of their official duties, and/or when presenting oneself in social media settings as a College representative, employees must comply with applicable College policies governing employee behavior and acceptable 利用电子和信息资源.
  • The Office of 有创意的服务 和通信 shall oversee the Snow College presence on all social networking sites and shall evaluate whether to launch a presence 在任何可用的新网站或平台上.
  • 经理、编辑、撰稿人等. 学院官方社交媒体网站 read, understand and follow the College’s 社交媒体政策, Guidelines, and Best Practices and use the appropriate Snow College hashtags(#) as contained on the College 网站,但你不局限于只使用Snow College的标签(#).
  • Primary administrative/editing rights for Official College Social Media Sites will 只分配给大学员工. 官方大学社交媒体网站将有 至少有两名管理人员,以确保网站得到一致的管理. Should one manager be unavailable, a second manager will be assigned to manage the site. At least one of the two managers shall be the College’s Office of 有创意的服务 和通信.
  • All content posted to social media platforms are dependent upon the ADA compliance 提交帖子的具体平台. 可访问性的指导方针 apply to the content on the social media platform, not the features or functionality 平台的. 如果平台不提供可访问的特性,它就不是 违反了学院的无障碍指导方针.
  • All Official College Social Media Sites must respect and not violate intellectual 产权,联邦版权法和学院政策.
  • Snow College does not pre-screen posted content, but it shall have the right to remove, in its sole discretion, any content that it considers to violate policy or guidelines. The college does not endorse or take responsibility for content posted by third parties. All existing sites or pages that represent Snow College are reviewed routinely and 可以修改或在必要时删除.
  • Snow College social media sites are not for personal benefit or gain, nor the benefit 或其他个人或外部组织的利益.
  • 尊重版权、合理使用和财务披露法律. 力求准确 该表扬的就表扬. 当使用思想、观点、名言、图片时, videos, etc. 对于其他政党,要表扬他们的工作. 提供链接 possible.


  • To request a new college social media site for a department or office, the department head or club advisor for the entity making the request shall submit the online request 部门、办公室或组织的表格. 提交者须已阅读及 understood the Snow College 社交媒体政策, the 社交媒体指南 and Best Practices, and have agreed to the responsibilities and uses of managing a social media presence.
  • The request form for a new social media site is available on the College’s Office 创意服务及通讯网站.
  • The submitted request to the College’s Office of 有创意的服务 和通信 will be reviewed and discussed with the department head and the request shall meet the criteria for approval of social media initiatives as included in the Social Media 政策及指引. 学生俱乐部的顾问也必须得到学校的批准 学生生活主任. 在批准一个新的社交媒体网站后,办公室 有创意的服务 和通信 will create the new site and assign access to 将网站交给提交者或受让人.
  • The level of editorial participation that will be enforced for College presence or content submission on social media sites shall be identified and agreed upon with the Office of 有创意的服务 和通信 and the department/office during 审批流程.


Snow College is committed to fostering an educational environment that allows for freedoms of speech and expression in accordance with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 然而,学院不会容忍任何活动或张贴在 MySnow portal that loses First Amendment protection such as any unlawful, defamatory, 或淫秽(根据犹他州和联邦法律的定义)活动或张贴. 书院储备金 the right to remove any such posting without notice and you may loss the right to 在门户网站上发布.



  • 没有不敬的言语
  • 没有提到非法活动
  • 没有涉及性的内容,或涉及性活动
  • 没有任何形式的欺凌或骚扰
  • No spam
  • 请尊重他人的隐私
Any posts that don’t follow these guidelines will be removed, and you will be notified 通过电子邮件和/或门户内的通知. 删除三个帖子后,你就会知道了 不能再在门户网站上发帖了. 你可以向院长提出上诉 of Students.


帖子必须在正确的渠道发布,而且只能在正确的渠道发布. For example, 出售的物品放在“购买”区 & 出售渠道,发现物品在丢失 & Found, etc. 如果他们没有在正确的渠道发布,他们将被删除. 这不会 算作违规.